Friday, April 19, 2013

Baked coconut cream mini cheesecakes

Recipe: Baked coconut cream cheesecakes

Makes 3-4 mini cheesecakes


2/3 cup soy yoghurt (other yoghurts would probably work well)
3 tbs fine coconut flour
Stevia or syrup of choice to taste
1/2 tsp vanilla extract

Topping mix-in options
2 tsp cocoa powder
Crushed frozen raspberries (frozen are easier to handle to create a mottled not blended look)
Blueberries (frozen are best to avoid burning during baking

Base: I used a variant of my breakfast cookie oat base without the choc chunks, or you could use a smoosh bar style base. Or go for no base at all!


Combine all cheesecake ingredients in a small bowl and stir together well to from a thick paste. Add mix ins as necessary.

Press chosen base mix (if using) in the bottom of mini muffins or cupcake tins (use silicone for ease of removal) and then top with the cheesecake mix  and toppings. Bake for 5-10 mins at 180ºC just until the edges have baked and sealed and the mixture is heated through, no need to be golden. The baking will seal the edges and make for an easy removal.

Serve hot or cold.

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